How Much Is An Hour Worth To You?

We’ve all heard the saying, “time is money” but have you thought about how “money is time?” When clients come to Klein Law Group seeking bankruptcy protection, one of the first things we discuss and analyze is their spending habits. I ask them to retrain their brain...

Why it’s Best to Start Fresh for the New Year

Most of us cringe at the thought of bankruptcy. With the media constantly outing celebrities and big businesses, delivering terrible tales of loss and soiled names, why wouldn’t we cringe? Many of us have even been in the very same position, where we feel stuck...

Think Twice Before Co-Signing A Loan

It is so tempting to say yes when a loved one asks you to co-sign for a loan they so desperately need. Regardless of how large or small the loan may be, adding your name to someone else’s debt is a very serious financial step. When you co-sign a loan, you’re signing a...

One Late Payment Does Make A Difference

A late payment on one account could cost you higher rates and fees on all of your accounts – from your credit cards to your auto insurance. Many auto insurers use statistical analysis to determine that people with bad credit are more likely to file claims, so are...