Calculating Child Support

In divorce cases involving children or in paternity cases, child support must be calculated. Both parents have an obligation to provide support to their children. Child support guidelines must be filed in each case. The guidelines determine the amount of support that...

Tips to Help Your Children Cope with Divorce

Divorce is difficult for everyone to get through, no matter who initiated it and, if you and your spouse share children, you can guarantee it is even more difficult for them. It is your responsibility as parents to help them cope with this major life change, so they...

Tips on How to Effectively Co-Parent

For ex-spouses who share children, they cannot simply cease all interactions with one another. They must learn to work together and effectively co-parent their children. If there are a lot of unresolved issues, this can seem like a tall order, but it is imperative...

Should I Tell My Boss About My Divorce?

If you are going through a divorce, you have likely already told your family members and closest friends about it, but you might be wondering how or if you should address this in your professional life. While it certainly is not required, telling your boss about your...