Should I Tell My Boss About My Divorce?

by | Oct 17, 2018

If you are going through a divorce, you have likely already told your family members and closest friends about it, but you might be wondering how or if you should address this in your professional life. While it certainly is not required, telling your boss about your impending divorce is actually a good idea, especially since you will have to make changes to your tax status, health care plan, and other paperwork handled by the human resources department. Additionally, you might even miss time from work to attend court appointments or mediation, depending on the route you and your soon-to-be ex-spouse take.

To ensure you handle this conversation professionally, we have provided a list of helpful tips on how to approach your boss with this news:

  • Do not get too confessional: Yes, divorce is a very personal and emotional matter, but when you approach your boss to inform him or her about the split, it is crucial that you do not get too confessional or divulge any of the nasty details about why the divorce is occurring. Instead, focus on how your divorce will impact your job, if you will need some help with your workload, and any other details related to your job and responsibilities.
  • Tell your boss what to expect: The more information you are able to provide about how your divorce will impact your job the better. If you already have scheduled court or mediation appointments, counseling, or other meetings, let him or her know. If you expect your divorce to be difficult, ask your boss for a little extra time or understanding. Be honest about your needs, but keep it professional.
  • Do not use your divorce as an excuse: Divorce is not a walk in the park, but the fact is that life goes on and work must still be done, regardless of this unfortunate event. Do not take advantage of your boss’s understanding by using your divorce as an excuse for why you are failing to perform your work duties. It might not be the easiest thing in the world, but you need to carry on and do your job despite your personal troubles.
  • Ask your boss if you need to do any paperwork: When a person’s marital status changes, this also creates a fair amount of paperwork, so you will need to check with the human resources department at your place of work to find out what needs to be updated, such as your tax information and health care information.

Ultimately, as long as you forego getting into the overly personal details of your divorce and remain focused on discussing it within the context of your job, you and your boss will both get what you need out of this conversation.

Family Law Attorneys in Boca Raton

If you and your spouse are getting a divorce, you should not hesitate to obtain the skilled legal advice that is necessary to protect your interests. At Klein Law Group, our family law attorneys in Boca Raton have the experience and knowledge necessary to effectively represent you through this complex process. For the personalized one-on-one attention you deserve, reach out to our esteemed law firm today.

Get started on your divorce case and call us at 561-220-6659 to request a free initial case evaluation with one of our attorneys.

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