
Find Strength In Others After Divorce

Divorce is rarely an easy transition for anyone. Often divorcing people experience a full range of powerful emotions from anxiety, grief, betrayal to guilt, rejection and anger. Many individuals feel isolated and stigmatized once their marriage is dissolved. People...

Same-Sex Marriage (And Divorce) Legal In Florida

Just weeks ago, Florida became the 36th state to lift its ban on same-sex marriage and opened the door for gays and lesbians to blissfully tie the knot — and to untie it too. The long-awaited ruling not only affords same-sex couples the right to a marriage license,...

Why it’s Best to Start Fresh for the New Year

Most of us cringe at the thought of bankruptcy. With the media constantly outing celebrities and big businesses, delivering terrible tales of loss and soiled names, why wouldn’t we cringe? Many of us have even been in the very same position, where we feel stuck...

Buy, Hold or Flip: 2015 Real Estate Predictions

The U.S. real estate market has taken investors on an interesting roller coaster ride these past couple of decades. In the booming economy of the early 2000’s, property values skyrocketed to double and triple times their original worth, followed by the free fall of...

Why January is Divorce Month

January seems to be the coldest month of the year, both outdoors and in. Year after year, statistics show January to be the month with the highest number of divorces filed. Take a look at why so many couples chose to part ways this month and what you can do if you...

Think Twice Before Co-Signing A Loan

It is so tempting to say yes when a loved one asks you to co-sign for a loan they so desperately need. Regardless of how large or small the loan may be, adding your name to someone else’s debt is a very serious financial step. When you co-sign a loan, you’re signing a...

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