Why January is Divorce Month

by | Jan 1, 2015

January seems to be the coldest month of the year, both outdoors and in. Year after year, statistics show January to be the month with the highest number of divorces filed. Take a look at why so many couples chose to part ways this month and what you can do if you find yourself in the same predicament.

So the holidays have come, and you have just spent some much needed time away from the stress of work only to go home and experience another dose of stress from your spouse during the holidays. You wanted to visit family up north, but your spouse would rather go to the beach in sunny South Florida. You think it would be great to get your kids the latest gadgets they have been begging for, but your spouse thinks you are spoiling the kids and spending too much money.

It becomes evident that you just don’t like the direction that your marriage has taken, and frankly, you feel you have out grown your spouse for quite some time now. You knew all along that your marriage had problems because all marriages do, but during the vacationing and spending time together, something clicked. You are down to the last straw, and you now realize how unhappy you really are. At this point you have finally decided that you do not want to live the rest of your life this way. Your 2015 New Year’s resolution has finally become a reality to get a divorce and regain your happiness.

This is an all too common story for many couples who find themselves trapped in an unhappy marriage. But still, why do so many couples choose to get divorced in January over other months? With emotions spiked higher during this time of year, the holidays really have a way of amplifying our emotions. Previous negative feelings can intensify this time of year pushing couples to their breaking point. Some unhappy couples previously chose to commit to having one last holiday as a family with the kids before separating. Several more unhappy couples have been putting off divorce since the economic downturn simply because they could not afford it. As the economy begins to recover in 2015, the recovery may reflect in this year’s divorce rate. For many other couples the decision to divorce in January is merely a result of year end reflections and resolutions.

If you are considering divorce just know it is not an easy endeavor, however, your future self will truly thank you for it.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know is seeking legal guidance and representation from an experienced divorce attorney in South Florida, please contact Klein Law Group at 561-220-6659 or fill out the contact form on our website at www.kleinattorneys.com. We offer a free 30-minute consultation to discuss your individual case in family law, bankruptcy and real estate. Our offices are located in Boca Raton, West Palm Beach and Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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