Emotional Blackmailers: The Narcissist’s Close Relative

by | Dec 13, 2023

Nowadays, everyone talks about the Narcissist, yet not every individual checks off all the boxes for Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). This leaves many victims of emotional abuse in the dark about what exactly they are experiencing in their relationships. Let us introduce you to the Narcissist’s Cousin: The Emotional Blackmailer.

In this blog article, we’ll dive into what emotional blackmail means, explore the common phrases they use, and provide guidance on defending against it.

What Is Emotional Blackmail?

Emotional blackmail is a devious and hurtful way of manipulating someone by using emotions to control or pressure them into doing what the manipulator wants. It leaves individuals feeling trapped, stressed, and emotionally drained. This often happens in personal relationships, but it can also pop up in workplaces or other social situations. Emotional blackmail is a harmful pattern of behavior that damages trust and emotional well-being.

Key Traits of Emotional Blackmail

To understand emotional blackmail better, let’s look at some of its main traits:

  • Threats and Ultimatums: Emotional blackmailers use threats or ultimatums to push their victims. These threats might involve revealing embarrassing or damaging information, ending the relationship, or using other forms of pressure to get what they want.
  • Guilt and Manipulation: Emotional blackmailers often guilt-trip their victims to make them feel responsible for their feelings. They might say the victim doesn’t care, is selfish, or has betrayed them emotionally, creating a sense of guilt and obligation.
  • Withholding Affection or Support: Emotional blackmailers often hold back affection, love, or emotional support as a form of punishment when the victim doesn’t do what they want. This can lead to feelings of anxiety and fear of being abandoned.
  • Playing the Victim: Blackmailers often paint themselves as the victim in the situation. They claim to be hurt, mistreated, or in desperate need of help, making the victim feel responsible for the blackmailer’s emotional well-being.
  • Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Some emotional blackmailers use passive-aggressive tactics like giving the silent treatment, sulking, or acting distant to manipulate the victim into giving in to their wishes.
  • Fear and Intimidation: In more extreme cases, emotional blackmailers may resort to intimidation, aggression, or threats to make the victim scared, making them more likely to do what the blackmailer wants.

Emotional Blackmailer’s Favorite Phrases

Emotional blackmailers often use specific phrases to manipulate and control. These phrases are designed to create feelings of guilt, obligation, and fear within you. Here are some common phrases to look out for:

  •  “If you really loved me, you would…” – The victim’s love is questioned, and complying with the blackmailer’s wishes is the only way to prove loving them.
  • “You’re the only one who can help me.” – This places an enormous burden of responsibility on the victim, making them feel obligated to meet the blackmailer’s needs.
  • “You’re so selfish.” – Emotional blackmailers often accuse their victims of selfishness when they don’t get their way, creating guilt and self-doubt.
  • “I’ll hurt myself if you don’t do what I want.” – Threats of self-harm or suicide are extreme forms of emotional blackmail, designed to instill fear and guilt in the victim.
  • “You’re abandoning me.” – This phrase plays on the victim’s fear of rejection and abandonment. Making them feel guilty for considering their own needs or desires.
  • “You don’t care about me.” – Emotional blackmailers may use this accusation to make the victim feel heartless and uncaring, pushing them to comply with demands.
  • “You’re making me do this.” – This phrase shifts blame onto the victim for the blackmailer’s actions, making them feel responsible and guilty.
  • “I’ll tell everyone about your secrets.” – Threats of revealing embarrassing or damaging information are a common tactic to exert control and force compliance.
  • “You’re ruining our relationship.” – Emotional blackmailers often claim that the victim’s actions are causing harm to the relationship, creating guilt and fear of loss.
  • “You owe me.” – This implies a debt of gratitude or obligation, making the victim feel they must repay the blackmailer by meeting their demands.
  • “You’re so lucky to have me.” – This is used to make the victim feel indebted and that they should be grateful for the blackmailer’s presence.
  • “I sacrificed so much for you.” – Emotional blackmailers may bring up past sacrifices to guilt-trip victims into complying with their wishes.

Defending Against Emotional Blackmail

If you suspect you’re a victim of emotional blackmail, here are steps you can take to protect yourself:

  1. Set Boundaries: Establish clear limits in your relationships and communicate them to the other person. Be firm and consistent in upholding these boundaries.
  2. Seek Support: Reach out to trusted friends, family, or a therapist for guidance. Talking to someone you trust can offer emotional validation and a fresh perspective.
  3. Practice Assertiveness: Develop assertiveness skills to express your needs, wants, and feelings clearly and respectfully. Learning to assert yourself can counteract the effects of emotional blackmail.
  4. Consider Your Options: Depending on the severity of the emotional blackmail and the relationship involved, you may need to think about distancing yourself or seeking professional help if necessary.


Emotional blackmail is a damaging manipulation pattern that can harm your emotional and mental well-being. Recognizing its signs and understanding how it works is crucial for breaking free from its grip. Keep in mind that healthy relationships are built on trust, respect, and open communication, and nobody should ever feel pressured or manipulated in the name of love or friendship.

If you find yourself in an emotionally abusive marriage that has not shown any progress with professional therapy, considering legal separation or divorce may be crucial for your healing. At Klein Law Group, our family law attorneys are here to help you start anew. Call us today at 561.323.2800 to schedule a FREE consultation.

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